Monday, October 1, 2012

Everyday Life - Week 39 & five blessings

Just finished my first day of work for the week. I'm super pooped but I've got enough energy for an update! This weekend was filled with spending some time with my husband, cleaning/catching up on chores, going on Costco/Target runs with some cute girls and just enjoying the simple blessings of life. It's already October and I've already begun to stock up on my decorations for fall. Summer was lovely but I can't wait for cooler weather and for the pumpkin spice lattes and orange, yellow, brown combos splashed everywhere! I'm so excited!!

Here's a really quick update on this past week:

Discount shopping. I had a hard week last week so I treated myself out to some "retail therapy" at one of my favorite stores. So cheap and so wonderful. I actually only spent $30 and came out with 5 items. Yayuhh

I've been frequenting coffee shops alot more often these days and it's been so wonderful. Working day shift equals not having to spend my days off catching up on sleep or feeling groggy all day long which equals more time to spend reading, reflecting, journaling, etc. I'm so thankful. :)

Here are some more of my goods from my little retail therapy sesh. To be honest, I wanted to get a cast iron so that I could make one-pot dinners but I never realized how expensive they were! They're like $100+ and even the smallest ones at least $70. Yipes! I texted Eugene asking for permission to buy one but I couldn't stand the idea of paying so much for one thing so I resorted to these $7 beauties. :) Maybe one day I'll save up enough to get a cast iron of my own! 

 I tried to be adventurous and try out a pretty difficult recipe. It tasted OK but it wasn't our favorite... but, I have to say I LOVE searing chicken on the pan, especially when its coated in curry powder. Yum!

I'm so bad at following recipes!
but these are two treasures I found at TJ (Trader Joes). So useful and tasty!

It looks....tasteful, doesn't it? I think the only reason is because it's in my new glass dish. :)

Took 2.5 hours to get my oil changed this weekend. This was the line at 7:30 AM, after I had already waited 30 minutes. They open at 8:00. These people are so hardcore!

Spent last night cleaning out the fridge. Having a clean/organized/sanitized fridge is seriously the best thing ever! I slept really well after cleaning this fridge. 

Work has been really fun but really, really crazy. I find that it's really easy to complain and throw pity parties for myself when I feel like I had a rough day, and I know I'm not alone. I have to remind myself daily that having a job is such a blessing and there are so many things to be thankful for each and everyday. When we drown ourselves in all the bad/hard/difficult/frustrating things about our jobs,  we completely lose sight of the many wonderful blessings we're able to experience at our workplaces. In hopes to urge myself to recognize these wonderful blessings, I'm gonna try to weekly post five things I'm thankful for about my job. Starting today!

{ f i v e    b l e s s i n g s } 
1. tasty and sweet macaroons from a thankful patient
2. cheering and celebrating with a family when my stroke patient said her name for the first time
3. coworkers to laugh and smile with even when we all feel like we're drowning
4. showing my patient's 5 year old kid the "laser gun" I use to scan my medications
5. goodbye hugs from patient families who've become my dear friends (and promising that if we cross paths at a grocery store, that we'd say "hi")

love always,

give thanks - hugs from eugene after work, korean food, my handy dandy crock pot, singing in the car.

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