Monday, September 18, 2017

h o m e / giving thanks

we're home. 

baby decided to change our plans and come a few days ahead of schedule which meant we got home around the same time my c-section was originally scheduled. what a whirlwind. I can't believe she is here and that we are already home - but feeling so happy and thankful. as we begin this next season at home as a family of four- we are welcomed into the sweet but challenging season of sleepless nights, around the clock cluster feeding, endless diaper changing, exhaustion-induced delirium and learning to multitask as we figure out how to settle into our new normal (read: trying to keep our toddler alive and occupied while tending to the constant and unpredictable needs of a newborn while trying to somehow remember to eat and do laundry). 

after spending our first day at home and getting a glimpse into what our new life will look like- I've been praying that God would cultivate in me an attitude of gratitude. I hope to seize even the craziness of this season to grow in my ability to see evidence of Gods grace in all things: big and small and I'm hoping this little blog if mine will give me a safe space to do just that.  so begins this series. 

so for today, I give thanks for: 

- french toast for breakfast (I seriously love hospital food, lol)
- family who live nearby and who live on us and care for us so well in sick practical and tangible ways (watching asher, picking up food, making food for us!) 
- soft newborn skin 
- an easily distracted toddler who loves to give soft kisses to baby sis (melts my heart) 
- the cuteness that is newborn diapers (so stinking small!)
- a midday nap to help me survive the day, after only sleeping two 40-min increments last night (hello night two cluster feeding party...)
- waking up from said nap to a boba milk tea drink (was so happy!!!)
- sweet and amazing husband who took toddler out for a walk to pick up said amazing boba drink
- witch hazel pads and whatever spray thing they give you at the hospital (um hello my bffs)
- reminiscent thoughts of my other best friend, the epidural from a few days ago (you the real mvp)
- the way babies look when they sleep (esp when the mouth is slightly open) 
- kissing newborn cheeks
- being able to wear my non maternity leggings, esp since I didn't need to get a csection!! 
- energy to throw one load of laundry in the wash 

life is looking pretty sweet. 
God is good. 

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