Thursday, April 21, 2016

2 months!

Happy March!

In my post last month, I had hoped that I would only be 5 days late for our 2 month post - and here we are...only 4 days late. Woohoo! It's amazing how quickly time passes by, especially since all of the days and weeks sorta blend together. It's so easy to lose track of time. We are loving our little guy to pieces. He is growing and changing so quickly, I'm trying so hard to memorize and love on every detail of his face, his chubby body, our time together, etc. It's been amazing!

At his '2 month appointment' (in paranethesis because he was 6 weeks old at that time), he weighed 11 lbs and 13 oz (quite a jump from before!) and is growing and fattening up like a champ. He still loves to eat and sleeps pretty well at night (sometimes 5-6 hour stretches). I've learned to never, ever, ever make blanket statements about your baby. (i.e. He is such a good baby, he is sleeping through the night, etc etc.) because they can change at any time for no apparent reason. Exhibit A) He slept his first 6-hour stretch this week. We celebrated. Exhibit B) He slept in 3 hour intervals last night and was awake for 2 hours after 3am, smiling and as happy about being as awake as can be. Lesson learned. I've decided to celebrate his little victories day by day and not have crazy expectations. Everyone is happier that way.

While I was pregnant, I wrote letters to baby every now and then -- "dear baby" posts. I'm hoping to continue that here as we commemorate each month! 


dear baby,

here are a few things we've loved about you this past month:

1. This month, you finally learned the difference between night and day. Good golly. It took a lot of intentionality, but we did it. Bright lights, loud noise and sunshine-y trips outside during the day, and almost nonverbal interactions in the dark at night. We are so thankful :)
2. When you are really hungry and you finally get to eat, you put your pinky up in the air while you're eating (just like mommy!). It's hilarious. It makes me laugh and melt every time. I always want to take a picture but that would probably be inappropriate.
3. You love love love staring at lights. You will bend your head completely back when we are holding you to look at a lamp somewhere. And you love the wall in our living room. We have been calling it "the wall" because for some reason it is the most entertaining thing for you. You can sit in your boppy lounger and stare at it for an hour. It's awesome. I am never changing anything on that wall.
4. When you turned 1 month, we took you out with the stroller for the first time and I was so nervous and overwhelmed. I was so stressed about using the stroller frame, daddy and I watched so many youtube videos. And then I had to nurse you in public and I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Since then, we have been going out almost every day (walk to Target or Peets, etc) and you love it! Even though it's a bit tiring putting together/taking apart the stroller, carrying you up 3 flights of stairs, etc -- we've had so much fun exploring new places together and I always appreciate the fresh air and coffee break! 
5. You love napping with your buddy Elfie. Well, sorta. We've been forcing it on you since you've found your hand and have been sucking on your fist like a mad man. Daddy says no hand sucking so your new little buddy will have to do.
6. You've had a lot of spit up and vomiting episodes this past month (boo for indigestion and regurg!) but you smile through it like a champ and make mama so proud! 
7. You love music and love it when we sing songs to you! Sometimes when you are fussy, we can rock you while singing you a hymn and you will quiet down right away. Also, you love it when mommy acts out musical numbers with dance moves and the whole shabang. Well, I think you love it. You stare and stare while staying completely still and quiet. You either love it or you are really confused and maybe a little freaked out! I hope you don't get embarassed of me!
8. Your favorite time during bathtime is when we wash your back and your hair. You also love when mommy and daddy sing "rinse, rinse, rinse!" while pouring water on you at the very end. You have the funniest smirk when we're doing that. (You really don't like getting your face washed but its important! Otherwise, you will smell like cheese curds and that's yucky.)
9. You love/hate our "bbo bbos"! 
10. You hate tummy time but you love lifting your head up and looking around when you're over our shoulder. You also love doing informal tummy time on daddy's chest!
11. You have incredible leg strength. Sometimes we will stand you up on the dresser or the bathroom counter and you'll push against it with your legs. You amaze us! 

We love you so much and we are so thankful for the ways you are growing (and fattening up!) We're trying our very best to enjoy how little you are now. Even though we are looking forward to teaching you new things, taking you out to see and explore new places and have you sit up and try new foods with us when we go out to eat, we are loving how cuddly you are and how new everything is for you! 

P.S. Yesterday you smiled at daddy for the first time and really melted his heart. He talked about it nonstop for 2 hours! We cant wait to finally see more smiles this week! 


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