It's been pretty dang cold these days. Eugene and I wear thick socks all the time and we even wear gloves in the morning when we go outside to our cars. I don't know if we're just not good at accommodating to cold weather or if we're just super weak sauce. :)
We ordered furniture a few days ago, and it's due to be here in a few weeks. Our unpacking has been put on hold for now, so we're just living out of boxes and duffel bags! Can't wait til we're all unpacked and settled in..
This area is definitely different from our safe haven home in Irvine. The roads are narrow and unfamiliar. No Korean grocery store or Costco nearby (or not one I've found yet!). It's really cold and icy in the mornings (We were spoiled in Irvine cause our parking lot was underground). It's gonna take some time to get used to everything-- but we're loving the change and experiencing a lot of new things! I do miss my 8 minute commute to work and my 5 minute commute to church, but there are so many things to be thankful for:
1) Eugene can drive home after class to eat lunch or take a nap or spend time with me! (He used to have to wait until 8:00pm or so to avoid the crazy LA traffic.)
2) We live in between both of our parents, so we're able to see them and spend time with them more often!
3) There are so many good Asian food places here! We ate a HUGE bowl of pho last week (it was a "supersize" bowl, which is the equiv of two large bowls) and it was only $7.95. That's the same price as a regular pho in Irvine.Woot woot!
4) We're living with Eugene's aunt who we usually don't get to spend a lot of time with, so we get to see her whenever she's home and it's really sweet!
5) We have a backyard, so my dream to plant a vegetable garden can come to fruition. Yay!
6) We live less than 5 minutes away from Starbucks (which is in the same shopping center that has a really good Pho restaurant. Is it obvious that my favorite food is Pho?)
7) Every time I drive to work, I have enough time to listen to TWO full-length sermons. It's really awesome and it's such an encouraging way to start and end my work days.
8) We live 5 minutes from trader Joes....which of course means, we're all gonna be okay. :)
Eugene and I are planning to go out for lunch once he gets back from class. We're hoping to go on a date every week so we can be intentional about spending time together, talking about how we're doing and praying for each other. Hopefully we can keep this up!
I got so hungry waiting for him that I just had a snack. Woops!
Have a happy Wednesday, everybody!
Give Thanks: God's grace in carrying us through every season, iPhone apps that make my commute ALOT easier, trader Joes, sunshine, our bedroom heater, sleeping in, quiet mornings
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