Monday, June 18, 2012

A quick hello..

I know I'm a little late on my "everyday life" posts ( a little late meaning, 2 weeks now)-- but that's a good sign because that means life is busily and abundantly being lived. Because my stretch of night shifts start tonight, I only have time for a little hello.

So, hello!

Life is sweet and my husband is awesome. My house requires deep cleaning every few days and there seems to be a never-ending pile of laundry to be washed; but God is good and we are rejoicing daily.

 My sister Kat gifted us with this a few weeks ago for letting her stay with us for 7 months. So cute!

Have a joyful day, peeps. :)
Time to fall asleep watching Captain America now.

Give thanks: great deals at Costco, time to sleep, jamba juice, time with family

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