Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here comes trouble..

As of Sunday, our home has become a smoke house.
I, the foolish, frantic and disheveled wife, left the stove on when we went out for lunch after church and rushed home after receiving a call from our complex saying that our fire alarm was going off and the neighbors were inconvenienced.
Thank goodness for inconvenience!
We rushed home and I came home to a kitchen and living room of smoke.

The last two days have been spent trying to clear the air, sanitize the walls and furniture and lysol every surface we can find. It's been an exhausing two days-- both physically and emotionally; but, lesson learned!

I think this is a mistake that you only make once.

After hours of cleaning, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, sanitizing and inhaling the smells of vinegar and baking soda-- I ate some breakfast leftovers for lunch and baked cookies.

Hopefully many wonderful smells will quickly force out all the remaining smoke residue!
Home-made cookies aren't a bad start.

Cheers to better days!

Give Thanks: catching up with Jess, cheap groceries, leftovers, quick naps, time to read, sturdy paper towels, learning how to give and receive forgiveness and grace


  1. So glad the house was intact, though, and that nobody was hurt!!! (By the way, those cookies look yummy.)

    Miss you Sharon!! Hope all is well <3


    1. Thanks Charmaine!
      I miss you!! I'm so proud of you and all the great things you're accomplishing :) let's grab lunch sometime!
