Friday, November 8, 2019

life lately: cultivating habits of gratitude

Life lately type posts are my favorite kind of posts.
I think my favorite thing about these kinds of posts are that it contains snapshots of ordinary, mundane life.
Though to the outside eye, these are mere pictures — for me, it brings to memory intricate details of the day and of our life in this exact season. As the kids are growing older (and more quickly than I would like!) being able to archive snapshots such as these will surely be such a gift to me in the years to come! Most importantly, it has also been helping me to cultivate the ability to give thanks and praise God for the ordinary and mundane, which really compels me to go about each day with more joy and purpose. It helps me to learn how to see even the smallest evidences of God’s grace in the everyday. It draws me to worship. I love it so much!
I’ve been trying to take these snapshots in the middle of our days for the last few weeks.. been trying to not worry about putting to much thought into it — as to capture these moments as real and raw as possible.  Hopefully I can capture more of the chaos that is our life in this season with littles, but for now.. here are some snapshots of our life lately.


  1. This is so sweet to read. I don't want to take mundane for granted because that's what I miss if any sudden, unwelcome shifts in life happen. Where did you get the workbooks your kids are using in the second photo?
    Julia Close

    1. So true! So easy to get side tracked by the busyness of everyday life. ♥️ They are actually both from Costco! Miss seeing you!!!
