Sunday, July 30, 2017

Asher is 19 months!

Happy 19 months to our first born/sweet baby boy (about a week late but as always, better late than never!).
It's crazy because he is definitely NOT a baby anymore. He's a full-blown, running, dancing, talking (half babbling), "what's this?"-asking, strong willed and opinionated toddler.
Asher has been learning and growing so much. He is 19 months now (*sob* where has the time gone?) and is changing so much from week to week. Day to day.  He is learning so many new words, prefers puzzles and toys over books recently (still likes to read here and there!) and is obsessed with "the wheels on the bus" song. He knows so many more words now, it's crazy how much he absorbs! Sometimes he surprises us with a word -- "who taught him that word?!" Like how he randomly will point and say "boat", "bed", "oval". His favorite words as of late: bus (duh!), press (like "I wanna press the button"), schm- (which stands for smoothie), and yesssssss (with a stretched out "s" sound). Of course his most often spoken word is "nnnnnoooooo~" and he just recently starting saying "no, no, no" and "no dis" (read:not this)  It's been a challenge trying to keep him preoccupied in this stage of my pregnancy (hello, fatigue/insomnia and hip/back pain!) but thankfully he doesn't think me rude when I play with him while lying on my back haha. He babbles at us and probably asks me "what's this?" 1,000 times per day and I truly never tire of it. It is my favorite thing ever.  
In terms of eating - he has good and bad days. Overall, he is definitely a great eater and not terribly picky - but he definitely has days when he barely eats a thing and is growing to have his own specific palate! Babyled weaning has helped me to not stress out too much about what or how much he eats. For a while, I was worried he wasn't eating enough vegetables in a day but my pediatrician actually told me to just evaluate how/what he eats by week and not day-by-day so it's helped me not to stress out about it.  He definitely loves his carbs: rice, noodles and breads. He currently loves breakfast sausages (so much sodium, I know!) and can never eat enough fruit. One time he ate so much fruit that he burped and fruit came out of his mouth (LOL!) He likes to drink soup straight of the bowl but is definitely improving in his utensil using skills. I'm hoping I can have him start chopsticks in the next year or so! Follow his foodie adventures on instagram! (@eatandplaywithasher)
Another random thing about Asher at this age - he does NOT like when I rip/cut food for him in little pieces. Once something starts getting too small, he looks for another big piece to start on. Last week when Eugene took him out for breakfast, he pretty much finished his entire breakfast wrap and then wanted to "trade" with Eugene's only-half-eaten sandwich. Haha, I like his style.

We went through a few tough weeks of the 18 month sleep regression last month (read: 5am wake ups and 20-30 min nap a day --- le sigh) but it seems like the worst is over for now. Hooooooray. 2 year sleep regression, we ready for you but we will have an infant in tow so please be kind. 

He is a goofy little guy. He can laugh and smile on company and loves to say hi and bye (just recently started saying "hello" -read: heyyyohh and it is KILLER...Ugh!) He loves to dance and asks me to sing songs all throughout the day.  Im pretty sure Ive said this for every stage but this is definitely my favorite stage. I just love how curious and silly he is and how much joy he finds in every little thing. He makes me laugh all day long and melts my heart so - especially because he is 80% playing hard to get so he works me. I get so mushy when he gives me affection, it's almost pathetic hehe. It's so fun to see how much awe and wonder he has as he discovers new things each day. It's such an amazing thing go be able to experience life anew through the eyes of toddler. It truly is a tremendous blessing from the Lord.  

He is full of personality and is definitely becoming much more temperamental week by week (which makes things so much more fun but also provides me so many more opportunities to discipline...) It's crazy to see how true it is that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Even my not-yet-2-year old son. It has been a sobering reminder for me how desperately we are all in need of a Savior to redeem us. As frustrating and (sometimes) "inconveneient" it is to have to repeatedly discipline and teach/instruct asher on a day to day basis - I see the depth of the love of my Heavenly Father who delights to patiently teach and discipline me and it really strengthens me to pursue to be faithful in this every day. What an honor and privilege to be his mama and to be entrusted this great task. 

Thankful for His grace that provides for my every need as I strive to do the best I can, for renewed strength daily to try again even when I fall short and for new mercies that empower me to give thanks for all things big/small, easy/difficult, fun/tiresome as I trust in His sovereign hand over every detail of our every day. 

Cheers to toddlerhood chaos! 

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