Sunday, October 6, 2013

24 years to praise and give thanks!

Yesterday was my 24th birthday.

It was the longest birthday I ever had! I was in Florida at the time, so I had an additional 3 hours - and I was awake since 2:40 AM (flying back home) so I was awake for almost the entire 24 hours of my birthday.  I was sleep-deprived and completely wired from having 5 cups of coffee by 9:00AM - but it was wonderful nonetheless. I celebrated with cake (in my face/hair), a korean bbq dinner date (my fave) with eugene and a really tasty family-style italian dinner with my family today. My gifts were from Anthropologie - which happens to be one of my favorite stores, but I never personally buy anything from there because it is just so expensive! I also basically spent a week celebrating in Florida. I even got a whole aisle to myself on my plane ride back home. I got to look out and stare at these lovely clouds on the morning of my birthday.  It was lovely. I'm a lucky gal.

To start my 24th year of life, I wanted to make a list of 20 wonderful things that I've been blessed to learn or experience during this past year. So here we go!

During my 23rd year of life... 

1) I finished my first full-year as a day shift nurse. I'm thankful for all the many things I've learned, all the doctors, nurses, therapists, case managers, etc I've been able to build relationships with this past year - for the newfound ability I have to multi-task and talk to and think about a million things at once. (But I always miss my night shift crew!) 
2) I experienced what it means to have a normal sleep schedule for the first time in 4 years
3) I learned how to use a sewing machine! Thanks to all of those that have graciously received my imperfect/newby sewing projects as gifts.
4) I served in College Ministry, and it has been a huge blessing - it's taught me to serve unconditionally and to trust in God to bear fruit. 
5) I fell in love with my juicer. Juicing is seriously so fun/therapeutic/delicious! It really does feel good to smash/grind things up. 
6) I moved TWICE**! Packing/unpacking is definitely not my favorite - but learning to adjust in different cities and exploring different food places has been so fun!
7) I fell more in love with Trader Joes this year. Especially their Pizza Dough selection!
8) I became seriously obsessed with collecting globes. I've always loved globes and maps but never really got around to buying one until I found out how inexpensive they are. I have 3 so far. (hehe)
9)  I gave myself some ulcers (I'm pretty sure)... but my love for all things spicy cannot be tamed. Sriracha, Chili sauce and jalapenos on top of everything! 
10) I caught a pretty bad case of baby fever - every time I see a baby or any baby things it makes me want to have a child. It's so weird!
11) I learned that vinegar + baking soda is God's gift to wives  - because it seriously cleans everything!
12) I became a believer of Starbucks' black iced tea, no water, sweetened with soy milk drink. I've also converted a few people - it's awesome!
13) I got certified as a Stroke Certified Registered Nurse. I was a part of the first group in the entire nation to get the certification, and it was a huge honor. :)
14) Got a Keurig and had my life changed forever!
15) I learned and perfected the over-easy egg. It was no small feat, people!
16) I experienced Zumba for the first time. It was amazing. 
17) I got a job and then quit that job only a few days later. It taught me that you should never do anything if your conscience isn't sure. It was a valuable lesson learned.
18) I had my first dine LA experience. It made me feel fancy.  
19) Eugene finished his first year of Pharmacy school, and started his second

20) Most importantly, I learned (and re-learned, again and again) that I can do nothing on my own strength. The most valuable thing I learned this year is that unless I abide in Christ and find my source of strength, joy and motivation from Him - that all my efforts are in vain and I can bear no fruit in my life.

 I learned how to work joyfully and wholeheartedly, even when the work I'm doing doesn't always seem honorable and rewarding. I learned how to love and serve my husband unconditionally - even when I don't get to see him often because of how busy he is with school/work/etc. I learned that when the bible says "rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances"- that this is not a suggestion to us but a command from God Himself - and that I ought to pursue to obey this every single day of my life. I learned that there really is no substantial or lasting source of hope or joy in this life apart from Christ - and I'm learning each and every day how to have the faith and courage to proclaim this loudly, both in word and in my day-to-day life. 

As I enter my 24th year of life, there is no knowing if this will be my last. Though this year has taught me much about being a wife, a nurse and a home-maker - I know that ultimately my highest calling is to be a follower of Christ. My most earnest prayer is that each day that I live would be spent in a wholehearted pursuit to know and love Jesus more and more - and that I might live a life that magnifies the grace and power of the gospel in all that I do.

Thanks for everything friends!
Cheers to another year.


"But I do not account my life of any value, nor as precious to myself
if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus,
to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." 
(Acts 20:24)

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