So I decided to try and keep up my "everyday life" type posts going for 2013. Hopefully this will give me an incentive to take more pictures and to document the many blessings we have in every day life. I'm a little behind, but better late than never! So here's what the last few weeks looked like:
I found this AWESOME little pot full of baby herbs at trader Joe's last week. It's actually one of my dreams to have a vegetable garden and I guess this isn't a bad way to start. I've researched how to best care of these little herbs (i.e. how much to water, direct/indirect sunlight, etc.) Hopefully I can help these grow and use them in my recipes in the near future! Aren't they cute?
I also bought a pot of not-yet-sprouted tulips. I'm thinking of weather to plant the bulbs or just to pot the flowers once they grow. I guess we'll see. Pink tulips are my favorite :)
Another blessing of being in this new house is having a backyard again. I love just spending time alone outside in the middle of the day-- reading, praying, thinking and just enjoying the sunshine.
A collection of fruits and vegetables that have accumulated on our kitchen counter.. thanks to my grandparents :)
Eugene and I are trying to set a time every week to spend time together and to try different food places around this area. Last week, we went to SinBala which is one of Eugene's old time faves. Of course we had to try their boba too. It was pretty good! I love spending time with my husband :)
Our gas was shut off last week so we haven't been able to use our stove/oven yet. Most days when I'm home alone, I'll go out and try places for myself too. Most of the time, those places are pho places. So thankful for $5 pho in our neighborhood!
One night after work, I met up with my "E.A.T.S" small group from college. It's been 3 years since we've been together but we're as close as ever. I'm so thankful for the friendships God has helped us to maintain over the years and the many ways He's grown us in our respective lives. I'm also thankful that they love to eat. I introduced them to the awesomeness of Chaya in Costa Mesa.
I stayed in Irvine last week and was able to spend some time with my sister at Corner Bakery. It's always really sweet whenever we spend time together catching up! I miss being in Irvine and being able to spend time with her.
Eugene and I had a second date night last weekend because of our opposite schedules this upcoming week. With my work schedule and his school/work/clinicals schedule, we couldn't find even ONE chunk of time to eat a meal together. We made up for it by going to The Counter at 9:00pm after my bible study. I was really happy about my perfectly cooked fried egg. :)
It was my mother in law's birthday last weekend, so Heidi and I went shopping together. Of course we had to stop by for some boba and yogurt before we headed home. Heidi is seriously the sweetest, most servant hearted person ever. So thankful that she became my sister!
Had a great time at the wedding with my family! The wedding was beautiful and the food was amazing! I love 8-course chinese wedding food. So many different types of drinks.
Lobster was the last course of the meal. I don't know if you can tell, but Eugene and I enjoyed it quite a bit. teehee
Yesterday was actually the one year anniversary of this blog!
A lot of exciting things happened this past year! This blog has helped me document the different milestones I reached during my first year of marriage:
I learned the art of meal planning.
I learned the value of the slow cooker.
I learned the convenience of freezing things to avoid rushing around in the mornings.
I became more familiar with my kitchen and tools for success!
I finally transitioned out of my night shift life and got a day shift position at work.
Eugene started pharmacy school and successfully survived his first semester!
We celebrated and praised God for our first year of marriage and I got my very own sewing machine.
It's been a sweet year, oh dear blog of mine.
Cheers to many more years of praising God's faithfulness and goodness through this blog!
Give Thanks - days off to rest at home, God's providence in our every day needs, venti iced coffees, desiringGod ministry and the millions of sermons they provide via their FREE iPhone app, a year of testifying of God's faithfulness and grace in our lives through this little ol' blog.
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