happy august, soon to be september! womp womp.
i had been meaning to do a blogpost in june to give an update on the resolutions that I set in the new year - but of course, i forgot. thankfully, my resolutions this year were all realistic and were meant to help me do the things that I should be striving to do every year anyway so it's been going pretty well! however, wanted to provide an update because I actually accomplished one of my goals today:
I finished setting up my child training bible!
click HERE: for my 2017 resolutions blogpost
A few years ago - a group of moms at our church ordered the child training bible kits and I began working on it while I was pregnant with Asher. I was encouraged by God's promise to us in Isaiah 55:11 and so challenged and convicted by His command to us in Deuteronomy 6:6-9:
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
As Asher grows and develops more month-by-month, I see how important it is for me to be constantly equipping myself with God's word to train and disciple Him. I knew that my own personal "wisdom" (for lack of better word) and good intention would not suffice to raise Asher up to be a man of God. It is only His word and His Spirit that can help me to really be faithful in raising Asher up in the way of the Lord.
My goal was to finish setting the bible up whilst also familiarizing myself with different passages in Scripture that address different behaviors/heart issues. It did so much good for my own soul to be able to search through the Scriptures myself and to see how richly God has provided us with the help that we need to live the life that we have been called.
The awesome thing about this Child Training Bible is that it takes the instructions from Scripture itself and makes it easy for you to quickly find verses that relate to specific issues. The tedious/time-consuming task of trying to get all of this done did take up a few of my weeknights, but it ended up being a tremendous blessing to me. I can see how this will be a tool that will serve our entire family - and not just our children!
More and more I am seeing what a high calling it is to raise a child. To be honest, the gravity, weight and burden (for lack of better word..) of this responsibility is often quite daunting to me. However, I find such comfort, strength and confidence knowing that God is always sovereign - that He works out all things according to His will and provides us with everything that we need to be faithful to the task that He has called us to. Praying that His word would continue to be the lamp unto our feet so that we can help lead and guide our littles to the joy and hope of knowing Christ!
Order your own kits here: Child Training Bible
and these post-it flags and colored highlighter set correspond with the colors needed to put this together!
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