Monday, June 19, 2017

life lately: a 5 minute update

woah - major blog fail haha woops! i totally started two different series and left without completing them.. but I have a reason! things have been crazy busy here! a lot of things are happening and these next two weeks are going to be very exciting but I wanted to stop and take a moment to update. I set my timer for 5-minutes so here we go. 

1. summer
summer is here in full swing and it is awesome (+miserable at the same time)! having a toddler in the summer is so much fun! last year, he was only 6 months or so, so we couldn't really do too many things - but now that he is a full blown, walking/talking toddler who is super curious and very excitable - i have been having such a blast! and we are only a few weeks into june, yay! summer has consisted of a lot of outdoor play (splash pads, pool + park days!), lots of smoothie drinking and homemade popsicle eating, and more fun with friends! it's only been slightly miserable because being pregnant in this weather is not the most fun thing i've done -- and i'm really looking forward to spending the thick of my 3rd trimester in the hottest months of the year - but we are blasting the AC all day err' day (sorry honey) and drinking a lot of iced coffee (sorry not sorry, baby girl!)

2. speaking of baby girl...
did i mention that baby #2 is a girl? omg we are so excited!  after we found out that baby #1 was a boy, eugene did an excited fist pump then turned to me and said, "I really hope we have a girl next!" i never knew this before - but eugene has a really soft spot for baby girls! of course we would have been psyched regardless - but we are both so excited for our baby daughter to arrive. we have gotten so many hand-me-downs so far (thank you friends!!!) and I already have like 20 bows for her head (omg.) but yay! this pregnancy has been sooooo different than my first one, for so many reasons: more morning sickness, more dehydrated, less rested (hello, life with a toddler and night shifts!) and definitely less obsessive about what week I'm in and what size my fetus is (i've only taken like ONE belly bump picture...) but more on that later. we can't wait for baby girl to come! 

3. Asher is 17 months! 
I think I've said this at every stage so far but, THIS is for sure my favorite stage so far! despite the toddler tantrums, timeouts, sleep regressions and little tastes of the so-called "terrible twos" -- I have been absolutely in love my crazy little toddler. he is walking, talking (well, babbling) and saying so many words. he loves to read, is obsessed with his da-da and loves loves loves water (pools, splash pads, lagoons, etc) he loves to dance and is currently obsessed with moana videos. he says a lot of words but recently started to say "bless" (as in 'bless you'), "this" (while pointing), and "BAI" (aka 'bye' with a huge smile and throwing his hand up for 0.2 seconds) it kills me. hopefully I can come back and tell you all about the crazies of this kid. we'll see

4. eugene is literally 2 weeks away from being done with school/residency FOREVER. omg. i can cry just hearing myself think that out loud. our lives are about to look very, very different in just a few weeks and I can NOT wait. after 5 years, this long, craycray, busy, and long-distance chapter of our life and marriage is about to come to an end- which means asher will be able to see Eugene more than 2 times a week and we'll be able to consistently eat more than 1 family meal together a week at last. there are so many things I have been feeling and thinking about these last couple of days as I've been reflecting on God's grace to us these last 5 years.. but I'm hoping to reserve an actual blog post for that. stay tuned! 

5. so why the sudden craziness?!
we just found out last week that we will be moving. our short-notice gave us less than 11 days to pack and situate our lives for this big move so you can imagine that this preggo-night-shift-working-toddler-chasing mama has been on the verge of a mental breakdown...but I have been so blessed with so many sweet friends who have offered their time and help to make this as smooth as possible. we have about 6 days left now and I am about 60% done packing -- so that's progress! 

in two weeks from today, eugene will be done with residency and we will (hopefully be somewhat) settled at our new place. i'm trying to not lose perspective in the midst of the craze and find evidence of God's grace in all places - big and small. thanks for giving me a quick break (let's be real it wasn't exactly 5-mins, oops!) but now it's time to get back at it. see ya on the flip side!

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