1/2 a year already!!
Where has the time gone? Time has truly never gone so fast....
Asher at 6 months is such a little ham and so much fun! He is learning and growing and developing so much. This age is seriously so great! He has graduated from rolling to crawling around everywhere (army crawling, to be exact). Finally sleeps through the night (11 hours!) Has a ridiculously early (but normal for babies, I guess) bedtime of 7pm. After some nap training he now has 2, almost 3, solid naps almost every day. Loves to eat (finally started solids!), and chew on everything. He loves/prefers things cold (i.e. water) and loves, loves, loves chewing/sucking on ice chips -- his fave ice chips are from Coffeebean, lol! He seems to have won his battle with the eczema monster and is learning to take the bottle (from a straw!) We had a lot of overnight trips this month at grandma's and showed me how valuable sleeptraining was because he was able to sleep at a foreign room with me only a few feet away with almost no wake-ups (Hooray!) He has been getting a little bit fussier than normal (teething, maybe?) and has learned how to fake a pretty heart-wrenching cry. He will occasionally do scrunchy face out of no where, just like his mama! He learned how to do "high five" and will belly laugh at peek-a-boo/kkakkoong (sometimes) and when mommy sneezes or coughs really loud. He is just so wonderful!
As tiring/hard as it can be sometimes, I'm learning to just enjoy every moment and every day with my little guy. He is just so sweet and fun at this age and I love how small and cuddly he still is. At the end of every day, I always give him the biggest hugs and kisses goodnight and say "I love you, Asher! Mommy's gonna miss you!" because I do! I know it's crazy but even after an entire day of trying to keep him entertained and struggling to get things done while keeping him away from cords and small choking-hazards, I feel semi-sad that he's going to bed because I miss him almost immediately afterwards. Living in a life of so many uncertainties and unknowns, I'm trying to be mindful of being thankful to the Lord for each day that we are blessed to experience the joy of raising him and having him in our lives. There are always so many things to be grateful for and Asher has been a living/breathing/crawling/eating-everyhing-off-the-ground reminder of God's goodness + kindness to me.
Dear baby,
We praise God for you everyday! We love you so, so much Asher baby boy. Cheers to a new month of lots of eating (baby-led weaning, woohoo!), lots of popiscle parties and millions of cuddles and kisses!
P.s. I really hope your front hairs grow out because you look a little funny. But for now our aquaphor faux hairgel will have to do. xoxo
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