at 4 months - you are measuring 25.7 inches and 16.8 lbs. your head is still in the 99th percentile and going strong. we are so, so thankful to the Lord for your health and growth thus far!
so many things happened this month.
we got some of these foam mats for you to roll around on and you've been loving it. we never realized just how mobile you were until we got these because we rarely let you roll/crawl around our dirty carpet. (this pororo one was specially delivered from your auntie donghee from Virgina!)
we celebrated your 100th day.
it was a simple family gathering with amazing chinese food, an ice cream cake (specially decorated by your yeh-yeh) and a lot of family time. this was after about a week of strict sleep training so you were sleepy-eyed by 7pm. it was such a sweet celebration and we gave thanks to the Lord for His goodness to us in blessing us with you!
all that rolling around and tummy time on the new mats paid off because you learned how to roll onto your belly. this photo was during the first night of belly-sleeping and I think I got like 3 hours of sleep total that night because I kept waking up to check up on you! you are a pro belly sleeper now and I feel a lot more at peace now about your new favorite sleeping position.
you've been sleeping longer stretches at night (5+ hours!) and one time even surprised mommy with a 10 hour stretch. I woke up in disbelief and kept checking the time (I also had to emergently wake up to pump, lol!) I was so proud of you and you were so happy and well rested the next morning - those first few nights of sleep training were well worth it. now that you are sleeping longer, it has been sweet having more time to ourselves at night -- but I do miss you every night you go to sleep. in the middle of the night when I come in for your feeds, I try not to linger too long but I love, love love your cuddles. you are at such a fun and sweet age where you have enough neck strength to hold your head up on your own, but you'll rest it and fit so perfectly into my neck as you're resting on my shoulder. it's these kind of moments that I'm trying to permanently stamp into my mind and remember forever.
you have always loved water and loved bath time -- so we invested in a otteroo for you to play with. you loved it so much and had so much fun! it was so cute to see you splashing and kicking around. mommy and daddy had to shower in your bath water though b/c we are in a drought, lol! can't wait til you're old enough to regulate your own temperature so we can take you to the pool!
this month, we focused on nap training you in your crib. you are definitely an on-the-go baby and can sleep and play well anywhere. this worked really well for us because we loved going out together but the catch was you didn't sleep too well at home. thankfully now you are getting more used to sleeping at home and designating your crib for sleep time - whether its night or day. i'm so thankful for that! but you still take pretty good naps in the car seat and sometimes when you're sleeping in the car, i just stare at you with all the heart eyes in the world. i love your cutie cheeks, your voluptuous lips and your bubbles!
we've been trying to spend more time with friends at home so we've been hosting more get togethers. thankfully you like being held by others and love the company. cant wait til you're old enough to munch on yummy snacks with me!
recently you're favorite thing has been cuddling with me in bed. it has sorta become our fave thing. it is so, so sweet seeing your tiny little body taking up our entire bed. even though I know that this can't be a routine thing - i'm savoring any and every opportunity we have to cuddle!
you are always rolling, rolling, rolling around now. it's crazy. we are making a check list on baby-proofing because we have a feeling it's gonna come sooner than we know it!
this has been such an amazing and fun age for us. you are smiling and laughing so much more. you are still relatively shy and quiet (like daddy!) but starting to babble a little more. you are so curious about any and everything - especially when we go outside. you love staring at trees and lights. we battled through reflux (so thankful it's nearly gone!) and are fighting through some eczema right now but you are such a champ through it all. you love taking walks with daddy and being in forward-facing carriers only. you love putting things in your mouth and just started touching your toes. I seriously wish I could slow down time so I could savor each and every moment with you - but we are just learning to have fun and treasure every day we have together.
there are a lot of things that I read while preparing for the sleep-training bonanza last month.
"don't cuddle to sleep."
"don't spend too much time holding the baby during night feeds."
"don't let baby sleep on you"
don't do this, don't do that.
I know there are a lot of good reasons for not doing these certain things - but I've just been enjoying every cuddle and every opportunity to hold you close. you're my sweet little babe but you are growing so fast, sometimes I wish I could just hold my breath and make it pause! there are definitely a lot of things that are hard when first becoming a mama. so many worries and anxieties. a lot of cluelessness and a lot of questioning myself. but all in all, I'm just learning the beauty in just surrendering all of those things to the Lord and loving you with my whole heart and caring for you in the best way I know how. I know that I'm not perfect and that I lack in a lot of things -- but there is definitely no lack of love here. I love you more than I can say.
I praise God for you everyday, my sweet boy.
happy 4.
love, mama
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