with each passing birthday, I realize more and more that my birthday is less about me and more about God. each birthday marks a new year of life that God, in His grace, has granted to me to continue to grow, learn, and experience His grace anew. each birthday reminds me how dependent I am and how much more dependent I ought to be on Him for the strength and wisdom to push through day-by-day. each birthday reminds me that all things in life are ultimately in God's sovereign control (thank goodness!). each birthday reminds me, yet again, how this life truly has no lasting joy or hope without Christ.
every year + birthday is special, but this one in particular is exceptionally sweet to us because it will (Lord willing) be our last birthday with just the two of us.
I've been extra sentimental these days (probably pregnancy horomones) -- thinking a lot about what my life is going to look like once baby comes aka once our lives get rocked.. for the better. I've been savoring each trip alone to target, each hour spent in quiet at a cafe and each morning to sleep in; but also imagining in the most giddy way, what life will look like having him ergo-ed to my chest as I rush to buy that emergency roll of toilet paper or to have him coo and distract me as I'm trying to read at starbucks. i've been quite somber in thought and it's been lovely.
anyway - to commemorate my 26th year, I wanted to write down 26 random things. i'll try my best to write the first 26 things I think of: things that happened, things i've learned, things i'm thankful for.
26 things //
1. this year, I got into calligraphy, lettering and watercolor. so strange and random but i'm pretty sure my inspiration primarily came from instagram. 'tis been a sweet + therapeutic outlet for me.
2. I ate a lot of hot cheetos this year (and of course i blamed it on the baby)
3. I actually blame a lot of things on the baby (i.e. wanting korean bbq, sleeping in, eating ice cream for breakfast).
4. I realize that my favorite time to be outside is around 7-8pm when the sky is still slightly bright but the air is crisp and cool.
5. I love, love, love the autumn season. I always thought I loved all sesasons equally but especially after being pregnant in this heat, I realize that fall is my fave.
6. swimming in any capacity, for any amount of time (5 minutes, 50 minutes) makes me really, really sleepy.
7. I went to India this year and the pastors there are truly spiritual giants and my spiritual heroes. God is doing amazing things in India.
8. Eugene and I fell in love with Whole30. even though we only did it for 20 days, I can easily say it was life-changing. even though I sobbed like 3 times because I was so tired of cooking.
9. spagetti squash, cauliflower rice and zoodles are my jam. I can seriously talk about it for hours.
10. downtown fullerton and old towne orange = my happy place(s).
11. i became obsessed with black and white polka-dotted/striped things this year. my wallet, phone case, ipad case, etc. If I could wear polka dots and stripes every day I probably would.
12. Eugene finished his hardest year of pharmacy school this year!
13. i'm so thankful for the iced oprah chai tea lattes at starbucks because it only contains 95mg of caffeine (200mg limit for pregger ladies. woot woot)
14. I learned the ukelele this year (I actually started at the end of august!) I can play 10 songs and my fingers are blistered but it's awesome.
15. we finally moved out of downey and back to the promised land (aka orange county) this year (!!!)
16. my church is hands down one of the biggest blessings of my life.
17. the two and only times I ever went to ER were during this year (for cellulitis of my hand and pleuritis)
18. elizabeth elliot passed away and went to finally be with her Savior this year. her ministry via books/teaching have been one of the biggest influences of my life and faith.
19. my two favorite songs of this year: my redeemers love by sovereign grace and be honest by jason mraz. seriously listened to these songs like 400 times this year.
20. i accidently cut straight bangs on myself this year with my craft scissors (by impulse!) and had to suffer the consequences for almost 5 months. never again. I bought shearers.
21. baby Emily was diagnosed with cancer this year and has inspired me so much by her courage and resilience. please continue to pray for her and her family!
22. build-your-own pizzas have become one of my fave foods.
23. so has frostbites. and boiling point. its the best.
24. this year marks my 4th year serving in our church's college ministry, which has truly been such a huge source of encouragement for me! i love our collegians.
25. I got a cast iron skillet this year and it was life changing. that crust it makes on steaks. that dutch baby. that roasted brussel sprouts. can't get enough.
26. Eugene is the best and sweetest husband ever. I know for certain that he was/is God's greatest gift of grace to me, apart from Christ!
in all that I've learned/experienced/lost/gained, the only constant takeaway is the reminders that: God is always so good and so faithful -and- I still have so much more to grow + learn.
cheers to a new year!
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