continuing the 30 post blog challenge
10 random facts about yourself that people (may or) may not know about you:
1. when I was in kindergarden, I stapled my thumb to the wall. I was trying to staple one of my drawings onto our wall and the staple went through my finger completely before getting to the paper. This memory is still very vivid to me. I think it was my first real experience of pain and fear. I still remember the feeling of my heart dropping to my stomach when I first experienced fear. it was scary!
2. the only time I ever had to check myself in to any urgent care sorta situation was when I had an anxiety attack. weird thing was I didn't feel anxious/nervous at all! I was feeling really weird one morning on my drive to work and wasn't able to drive because of extreme nausea, dizziness, headache, etc. my heart was beating so fast and I couldn't slow down my breathing. I hyperventilated so much that I started to get numbness and tingling to my fingers and I thought I had a brain tumor/stroke/aneurysm. (lol..typical hypochondriac nurse) I got a work up done at an urgent care which all ended up being negative and signed me off as having an anxiety attack. they said my stress physically manifested in my symptoms. so weird (and expensive..)
3. when I first started to pursue nursing, my dream was to be a pediatric nurse. I specifically wanted to take care of kids with cancer. however, I had the worst pediatric rotation ever and met a lot of jaded/mean/two-faced nurses, witnessed a married couple decide to divorce each other and saw a lot of kids become brain-dead during my rotation - it scarred me for life. I don't think I can ever be a pediatric nurse. :(
4. i went through an identity crisis during my middle school/high school years. (i know we all do during that life stage but i went through more than one!) it was subtle and and all of them were short lived but they are now very horrifying to me in my mind. for a short period of time, i really wanted to be gangsta and wore really baggy clothes and let my keychain strap hang from my pockets. i was really confused. here's a visual in case you can't imagine it up yourselves:
5. when i was in utero (aka in the womb), my mom found out that there was a tumor 10x the size of me sitting with me in the womb. they recommended her to abort me, but she decided to go through a life-threatening surgery to save my life. she was and continues to be an example of loving sacrifice in my life. my mom is my best friend and i'm thankful for her everyday!
6. i'm a huge introvert. people often are surprised when they find this out about me because i'm relatively outgoing, but i love staying at home and being by myself for the most part. this is a struggle sometimes because i really love people and love spending time with them, but naturally i prefer to be by myself. it's confusing. i'm an introvert who loves people!
7. i'm a crazy person in my car. my car is a safe haven for me to dance and sing like no ones watching (though, i'm sure people have caught a glimpse of me in action). i usually act out entire musicals during my long drives to/from work and church. sometimes, I miss so many freeway exits that prolong my drive by 30-40 minutes. this one time, i was driving home (we were living in arcadia at the time) and i kept missing the freeway exits because i was acting out songs from the musical "Wicked". I ended up in downtown LA and it took me forever to get back to my route because there was really heavy traffic. but, it was worth it! i seriously love musical theatre.
my favorite tunes to sing to recently are Adelaide's lament + If I were a Bell from Guy & Dolls, I Can Hear the Bells from Hairspray, I'd give my life for you by Miss Saigon, Gimme Gimme + Forget About the Boy by Thoroughly Modern Millie and the Wizard and I by Wicked:
This song is so hard to sing.
8. as long as I can remember, i always had the heart to adopt. even at a young age, I was able to appreciate adoption as a beautiful thing. after I became a Christian, I saw how much earthly adoption reflected the spiritual adoption that happens to us as Christians when we're saved! God-willing, eugene and I are hoping that adoption is in our family's future and that God would use it to magnify the love and beauty of the gospel through our family. we're praying about it and excited to see what the Lord has in store!
"... in love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved." (ephesians 1:5-6)
9. a few times a year, my pinky toenail comes out/off. I am a huge klutz and I bang it on corners/walls all the time. I never realize how much damage I caused until i try to cut my toenails and the entire nail comes off. my pinky toenails are really thick now because of the multiple times it had to regenerate (so many layers!) sorry if its TMI.
10. sometimes i'm a little morbid. i think a lot about what would happen if i died or if i found out i was dying. (not much, i suppose! except eugene would go hungry, maybe - haha) more than anything, i think a lot about how i would spend my last days/weeks/months of life. if i found out i was dying, there would be a lot of things that i would want to say.
sometimes, i wonder if i should draft an email or a blogpost of all the things that i wanted to say before I died. I would probably talk about how much I loved you or how important you all were to me but most of what I would say would be about Jesus - the great hope that I have found in the gospel and how deeply I long for all of you to know Him. i draft this particular email a few times a year, just to see what I could get out. there's a unique sense of courage that comes when you know you're dying. and people listen more intently to the words of the dying, in my opinion. i hope that I would not wait until my dying day to say things that are heavy on my heart and that I long to share. constantly praying that I would have the courage and boldness to speak of Christ -in life and death!
in the meantime, watch this. this is one of the most powerful videos i've ever seen. the glory of God was magnified in his life and in his dying. God is still God, and God is still good. to God be the glory! (here's the link in case the video doesn't show up:
this is my prayer, too!
" it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death" (philippians 1:20)
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