Can't believe we're already in the second month of the year. January was busy with lots of packing, unpacking, furniture shopping, commuting and adjusting to our new home. We're slowly starting to get used to the area. I, for one, am becoming quite familiar with the nearby grocery stores, trader Joes, targets, 24 hour fitness centers and local coffee shops. It's been very sweet so far.
Here are a few random tidbits/blessings/lessons learned from our first month in SGV (For those of you who don't know, SGV is San Gabriel Valley. Eugene and I had no idea what that was until we moved here either!)
1) I am extremely thankful for my iPhone. Apps like Waze, Grace to You, , DesiringGod, Pandora and Songza have been so instrumental in helping me survive and adjust to my commute to work and church. (Of course Yelp is always extremely helpful as well.)
2) We are eating so much Chinese food I feel like it is flowing in my veins!
3) I haven't cooked in over a month. Our gas was shut off since we've moved in so we've been eating cold foods like cereal, yogurt, salads or going out to eat. (I lied, I cooked once and it was at my Irvine apartment..)
4) Eugene and I have started budgeting more intensely. We started an allowance system that limits our weekly spending and we've saved a lot of money so far! More on that soon..
5) Eugene and I have been doing pretty well on our weekly dates. Since I usually only see him in the mornings before he leaves for school (before 7am) and at night (usually after 9 or 10pm), we've been having to be all the more intentional about spending time together. We've been pretty consistent so far. So thankful for Eugene! :)
6) I didn't get to accomplish any of my goals last month or this month (we're already halfway through the month!)... but I expected that with the busy-ness of the move and all... hopefully I'll get back into the groove of things.
7) I will never again take the wide roads of Irvine and the big portions of Aloha BBQ for granted again. There is always construction going on in the busy streets around our house and the Hawaiian BBQ places here are pretty skimpy with their portions!
8) We are becoming more familiar with freeways other than the 405, 55, 5 and 73. We are now getting a hang of the 605, 210, 10 freeways. Woo!
This has been a busy month for the both of us. I started looking for jobs closer to home, and Eugene's been really busy with balancing school, work, internships, clinicals, etc. But as always, God is so faithful as he always has been. He provides us with the grace and strength we need to get through each day, to find reasons to rejoice and give thanks in all circumstances and causes us more and more to pray. So thankful that we have a God who is so faithful. :)
Give Thanks: days off, opportunities to share about my passion for stroke patients with other nurses, my job, God's faithfulness in always providing for us, Eugene and his heart to love and prioritize our family even in the craziness of his every day life, fellowshipping with sisters, days off to do laundry, my 24 hour pass, trader joes
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