I love Spring! Bright flowers, sunshine everywhere and an excuse to have mad OCD cleaning sessions for the sake of "spring cleaning". It's wonderful! This week, I reorganized my kitchen, wiped down my hardwood floors and did a few loads of laundry. My night shift schedules have been kind of tough for the past few weeks, but I'm so thankful for the days off I have to recover, re-energize and re-order my life and home. Going back and forth from the night owl to regular time schedule has definitely messed up my circadian rhythm and I've been feeling under the weather almost 24/7 for the past 3 weeks. This {unfortunately} usually equates to more complaining, more random crying and more sleeping in-- three things I don't really like to do. (Sorry Eugene!)
It's been a fight to find joy in the ordinary things of every day when I feel so tired and sleepy all the time. It's easy to complain and throw pity parties for myself and far too easy to fall into the temptation of discontentment. But praise God that His mercies are new every morning and that despite my complaining, discontent heart-- that He reminds me of the hope to which he has called me and his immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe. (Ephesians 1:19) I find peace when I remember that this is but a season of my life. A season filled with joys, sorrows and lessons to take away, but just one of many seasons I will be able to enjoy because of the grace of my God.
My night-shift nurse slash frazzled newly-wed wife season will one day pass, and in a few years I will enter another season of {God-willing} home-staying, home-making, child-raising mom and wife. We always think that grass is always greener on the other side, and that once we overcome this certain period of our life that we'll be more happy, less busy, less tired but I'm realizing that's not the case. We're always going to be busy, and there will always be things and people who occupy our thoughts, our worries, our time and our energy. I'm learning that if I keep longing for the next season in life, I will live daily in discontentment and will miss out on the many opportunities to learn, grow and cultivate a greater appreciation for the evidences of God's grace in my life right now. I'm learning I need to stop looking towards tomorrow but live today and embrace it for what it is. I'm learning to praise God for everyday, no matter what kind of day it is.
Today was a house-cleaning, coffee-ing on the patio, book-reading, lunch-ing with a dear sister and errand-running kind of day. Tomorrow may be different!
but for now, I'll praise God for today :)
I also started knitting today! It was my first time in about.. 8 years.
Knitting is so hard! I watched almost 6 youtube videos to get it right.
A few mistakes here and there (a few, meaning ALOT) but I'm gonna let it go for now..
Baby steps, people!
Give thanks: catching up with esther, hot coffee, sweet deals, quiet times at home, another day to live and rejoice in the God You are!
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