Some simple pleasures I've been appreciating these days...
The convenience of eating leftovers for dinner
... and the power of Sriracha to make it taste completely different
..packages in the mail
.. the excitement of starting a new book
.. discovering a good chinese cookbook {finally!}
.. An inviting pile of warm laundry fresh out of the dryer
.. Costco coupons in the mail
.. and the excuse it gives to buy every single home-related need.
I love new things!
Eating home-made lunches with Eugene
and feta cheese... yum :)
.cute, fresh strawberries and the many dessert opportunities they bring!
Eugene and I have finally begun bugeting as a married couple. During marriage counseling, pastor aaron suggested a computer program called YouNeedABudget (YNAB) to help us manage our finances. We gave ourselves a break for the first few months but as we prepare for Eugene to go back to school this year, we had to start taking it serious. January has been our first official month of "budgeting" with YNAB and I love it and hate it at the same time.
I hate it because..
1) It's strenuous-- Having to save receipts and record all your spendings is so much work!
2) It's time consuming-- it takes hours to set up, and large chunks of time every week
3) It's rebuking-- It's surprising and embarrassing to see how much money you spend without even realizing it!
I love it because..
1) It's helpful -- in making us mindful of the fact that we're stewards of everything God gives to us and we need to be intentional and discerning with how we spend our money.
2) It's cool -- it makes me feel like a real life adult!!!!
3) It's rebuking -- the healthy, sanctifying, very-necessary kind of rebuke.
YNAB also proved to me that I spend too much money on groceries. It's really inconvenient that I enjoy grocery shopping so much.. but I need to calm down. Here's this month's report on groceries:
Eugene scolded me because I went grocery shopping THREE times today. Yes, you read it right-- THREE. I don't know how it happens but everytime I go in to the grocery store to buy 1-2 things, I leave with at least 3-4 bags full of stuff. (Is it just me?!) Eugene said I can't go grocery shopping until the end of next month, so we are initiating something called COYF (pronounced "ko eef") which stands for CLEAN OUT YOUR FRIDGE. Frequent grocery shopping = Overstocked fridge = Massive amounts of food thrown out and wasted. But, I will waste no more! I accept the challenge.
Until the end of February I can't buy any groceries except
- 2 types of produce once a week (since fresh fruits/veggies go bad pretty quickly)
- 1 type of meat (sigh..)
I'm kind of sad but excited at the same time. I'm excited to clean out my fridge of all the frozen meat and veggies I stock in there, and excited to have my cooking mind stretched and challenged. Time to start being creative! :o)
Here is my signature to seal the deal:
Keep me accountable!
Give thanks: free days with Eugene, cute strawberries, sweet times of solitude
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