Friday, August 24, 2018

10 things: sick days 

10 things I’m grateful for today - even though its a sick day! (both kids AND Eugene are sick.)

1. I am so thankful that I was spared from whatever bug they all caught so that I have the energy and capactiy to wholeheartedly care for them and tend to their sicky needs.

2. that I was able to sneak out this morning sans kids after Eugene came home from work (and before he took his post-shift nap) to go grocery shopping and get myself a venti iced starbucks DRANK (FUEL!!)

3. For the blessing of TV!!!!! And Daniel Tiger. (“when you’re sick, rest is best! rest is best!” he says) And Leap Frog. and that it serves as just something to distract Asher with from his sickness woes and allows me to have some time to make food and take care of the baby. (He pretty much asks to be held constantly whenever he is sick.. so this is my saving grace!)

4. The fact that they both napped at the same time (right now!) giving me some respite from the chaos to read, pray, drink coffee and recharge for the rest of the day! 

5. The shotglass that Eugene got at some pharmacy conference that serves as the perfect cup to give Asher his tylenol mixed in with some green juice in (only way he will take the meds!) haha

6. The fact that their fevers mean that they have an immune system that is strong and active and fighting against whatever bugs there may be. So sad to see them all fever-ish but so thankful that this means that God has granted them the gift of health! Always so thankful.

7. For more than 5 hours of sleep last night. Recently I’ve been feeling so restless at night and have had such a hard time sleeping (been averaging about 4 hours and its been killer...) but so thankful that for some reason I was able to fall asleep right away for the first time in weeks and slept almost 6 hours to be fueled and ready to take on today.

8. For God’s grace that sustains and strengthens and brings joy even in days like today! And how they help me to fight against the temptation to complain (or to fall into the pit of self pity — they somehow only get sick on the weeks that Eugene is gone for work..haha) but to really see even mundane tasks of caring for my family as an opportunity to worship Him with my heart and actions! 

9. For iced caramel macchiatos! (It deserved its own post today. Thanks for making me happy, CM. ILY.)

10. Reminders and encouragements in God’s word! 

"God is our refuge and strength,  a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). 

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of faing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me!” (Phil 4:11-13)

Monday, August 6, 2018

everybody needs you

At the tender age of 2.5 (or as he would like to call, “2 almost 3”), Asher has become quite a character. He is loud, vibrant, silly, strong-willed, opinonated, dramatic at times (SO MANY FEELZ) and learning and growing so much everyday.

There have been a few instances recently (and more frequently as of late) where he will act out and do something blantantly rebellious or (dare-I-say) mean and I have to sit down with him after an epic meltdown and many many tears (on his and sometimes my end) to talk about what happened. Most of the times, our conversations go like this. I say one of the following:
“Asher, that was really hurtful what you did. Why did you do that?”
“Asher I know you understood what I told you to do, why did you disobey?”
“Asher, why are you mad/sad/crying/screaming?”

His response is one of two things usually. It is either, “Because......(and some sort of reason)” or “I dont know”. I think it’s hilarious when he says “I dont know”, especially when its in response to “why are you sad/mad/crying?” In my head I am thinking “Me too, homie. sometimes I have no idea why i am sad/mad/crying”  I love it.

So innocent and honest.

Recently, I have been trying to teach him that he can’t be “good” or do good on his own - but that only God can help him to truly be good. We have been talking about how because we weren’t good, Jesus had to come and die for our sins so that we could be saved and have a reconciled relationship with God and it is only then that we can truly be “good”. I’ve been reminded of this truth recently for myself — that there is truly nothing good that I can muster up on my own but that any “good” that is born in me is fruit of the work of the Holy Spirit in my heart and life.
After many of these conversations, we usually try to pray and in these prayers I ask God to help us to understand that because we can’t do good or be good on our own strength, will or power - that He would teach us why we need Jesus. and why we need God to help us to trust in Him to believe that Jesus has saved us from our sins and ourselves and that we can find new life in Him!  It has been a sweet time together for us (and mostly for me) to learn and be reminded of how much we truly need Christ in our day to day and how it truly is only through Him that we can be saved.
Sometime last week, Asher had a really off day and got in trouble 4-5 times in the span of 2 hours for not listening, doing something mean/hurtful (usually being too aggressive or spiteful to avery when she takes his toys or ruins his magnatiles creations) or acting out in a tantrum. By that last time I was at my wits end/about to pull out my hair and asked him


and his response, in tears:
I nearly bawled.
I know that he is merely (and most likely just) regurgitating things that he has heard me say but hearing him say that with his own little mouth and squeaky voice nearly ruined me and drew me to my knees to just pray that these truths will slowly but surely be used by God to bear fruit in his heart and that one day He will truly see with unveiled eyes that there truly is no joy or hope or “good” in life apart from Christ.

Sobering reminders that this is a high and glorious calling. A noble task. and that the mundane things we do as moms and the (sometimes) inconvenient moments where we have to repeatedly for the 50th time discipline our kids in love — are all orchestrated opportunities for us to share Christ with our littles.

May we redeem every opportunity.
