Wednesday, April 10, 2013

i love engagements!

Last Saturday was actually a really exciting day because both my maid of honor  (Esther) AND Eugene's best man (Alex) got engaged on the SAME day....though, not to each other. It was craaaaazy and so wonderful.

Alex is Eugene's best friend and it was so sweet being able to celebrate his engagement. We had planned an engagement party in advance and his friends and both of their families were able to celebrate with them. Here they are with silly hats that I was able to get at a 1-year birthday party that I had attended earlier that day (Happy birthday, Obie!). I also got the balloon man to make Alex a ring since I knew that Caren would already have one by the end of the day.

Congrats, you guys!

Esther's engagement was more of a surprise to me! I found out while I was doing the sign-in and gifts table at Obie's birthday party & literally almost cried in front of all the people who were signing in. Esther is one of my closest and most precious friends, and I'm so excited for her to get married (!!!!!!)

It's funny because at my wedding, I kept telling her to try her best to catch my bouquet. I told her I would try to toss it in her direction. She wasn't too enthusiastic, as you can tell. (Esther is the 2nd girl on the left, in the pink bridesmaid dress.)


But, as always, God's will is more powerful than ours and she is to be married soon! Yay!

This was a very precious and unique picture of us at my bridal shower. It's precious to me and extremely sacred/unique because Esther barely ever gives me any physical contact. Any attempts to hug her or hold her hand or link arms with her is followed by a very loud "YOU'RE WEIRD" or "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU"... but that's why I love her, hahaha

Please note her hand gently (a sorta awkwardly resting on my shoulder.)


I love you Esther. You're next!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

my new job

This is my first week of orientation at my new job, and I love it so far. It's been interesting being a newby again-- learning new things, meeting new people, getting used to a whole new system, etc. I'll be working in a cardiac unit and will be able to watch some procedures next week in the Cath lab, cardiac diagnostics unit and possibly OR as well. So excited!

Orientation weeks are usually pretty tough since you basically sit in a class for 8 hours a day-- but I'm trying to soak everything up as much as I can. It's been tough, but wonderful too!

A few things I've been thankful for so far:
• free breakfast AND lunch provided on orientation day :) it was a legit grilled chicken/mashed potatoes/veggies/pasta type lunch too! It was delicious!
• meeting new friends-- one of to gals I met today is from Vietnam and she is going to teach me how to make pho!
• the fact that this hospital has a lot of parties!! the last party they had was a Mardi Gras themed fundraiser event and the staff and doctors dressed up and they had a parade! How awesome is that!
• re-learning new things & sharpening up on skills that I thought were so second nature to me! I have a lot to learn!
• having a CNO (Chief Nursing Officer-- which is basically someone who oversees all the nursing staff) who actually knows nurses by their first names, visits the units so often that he's never in his office, and personally goes up to nursing units to recognize nurses who are mentioned in patient's "Thank you" letters. (I actually witnessed this and was so shocked, but he told me this is a really regular thing)
• having a normal 8-5 schedule for once in my life (even if it's only for a few weeks) and being able to eat dinner at a normal time!
• a cafeteria with extremely cheap, delicious and semi-healthy food. I got a deluxe breakfast with eggs, sausage and tater tots (my absolute fave) + a bottle of orange juice for $3. Whaaat!!

P.S. this is sorta off tangent, but our grandparents moved in with us today and it's been really exciting. Our home feels more full and warm with them here. I can't wait to spend more time with them & hopefully learn some Chinese along the way! :)

GIVE THANKS: getting off work early, time to read at Starbucks, cheap shoes at Payless (I got a pair of red heels and black running shoes for less than $5 each!!), learning new things, time to journal, power in prayer, Hawaiian BBQ

Sunday, April 7, 2013

welcoming april & lessons of a newby wife of a pharmacy student

Woops, the whole month of March passed before our eyes and it's already April! SO CRAZY!!

A lot of things happened last month. Eugene got WAY busier with school (we see each other 2-3 times a week these days....sad!), I got a new job (YAY, praise the Lord!), quit my old job, then actually decided to stay "per diem" at my old job, started to prepare for our grandparents to move in and I learned how to crochet! It'd be impossible to update you on everything that's happened recently, but in a nutshell we're doing okay :)

Eugene will get less busy in a few more weeks and I'm counting down the days! I start my new job tomorrow and I'm pretty excited to start fresh, learn new things, meet new people, etc. I feel like 2013 has been a year of transitions- we've  been constantly trying to adjust to different circumstances, opposite schedules and changing living arrangements. Through it all, we've been learning to be flexible, to take each day as it comes, and to be willing to adapt as new challenges come our way. Being a wife to a Pharmacy student is no easy job! Our marriage has changed a lot since Eugene has started school, and I've had to pick up a few new responsibilities!

My new responsibilities include:

  • making lunch and snack packs for Eugene to take to school when he has to stay on campus all day. Trying to find healthier snack ideas for us! Recently, I've gotten into these veggie/protein bags with chopped carrots/broccli/celery, a handful of almonds and a boiled egg. I want to eventually add a cheese stick in there. :)

  • waking Eugene up from his "15 minute naps" which actually become  30-minute naps, or sometimes even a 1-hour nap because I feel so bad waking him up.. Doesn't he look really pooped out?

  • revising essays and helping Eugene change slide themes and add transitions to his powerpoint presentations. Sometimes it makes me feel like I'm in school again too! It's actually pretty fun :)
  • reminding him of his work schedule as his very own personal assistant. His schedule is so crazy busy and sporadic sometimes, he tends to forget things here and there. We have his schedule pasted onto the wall now so that I can make sure he doesn't forget to go to work :)
  • driving to church on Sundays so that he can take TWO 1-hour naps in the car (he usually stays up really late on weekends, so these naps are sacred!)

The wife I am today looks much different than the wife I was when we first got married. Before Eugene started school, I used to measure how good of a wife I was depending on whether or not I made him breakfast, packed him lunch and made him a variety of different home cooked meals. I depended on neatly folded laundry, an empty sink, well-ironed clothes, a clean and sanitized bathroom and well dusted bedrooms to feel like I was doing a good job. However, now that Eugene is barely home and is rarely ever home to eat a meal-- it was confusing how to do this "wife thing" during this particular season of his life.

However, by God's grace I'm slowly learning that as a wife, my responsibility is not merely to make him good meals and keep the house clean. I realize that being a good, supportive wife means meeting my husband where he is, seeing the needs he has in his day-to-day life and seeking out opportunities to serve him. (Of course the most important and most difficult thing is to do this with a joyful heart!) 

This is no easy task. 

On a day-to-day basis, I am really naggy/whiny and I complain a little  waaaaay too much for my own good (even if not always outwardly). When I'm not careful, its easy to become burdened by this because in and of my own strength, I am so limited. I find that when I try to be a good wife and serve unconditionally and love and sacrifice on a daily basis -- I fall short and fail. I can really testify to that because I seriously fail every day. But praise God that His mercies are new every morning, and that he so faithfully provides us with the grace and strength we need to do all things faithfully! What joy and great comfort we can find in abiding in Christ. I realize I can do absolutely nothing good on my own. How true and how precious the Word of God becomes in my greatest times of need. It's been a slow and painful learning process, but I know that the Lord will carry us through to the end. I know that through every circumstance of our lives, He is growing us in our dependence on him, deepening us in our appreciation for the promises of His Word and sharpening us so that we can grow in Christlikeness.

There is definitely NO way I can muster up the strength and love I need to do this well.
So thankful for God's faithfulness in carrying us through his first year (He only has about a month left.....Yay!)
Only 3 more years of Pharmacy school left..... !!!!! God's grace has brought us this far...  :)

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships,
persecutions, and calamities.

For when I am weak, then I am strong.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

give thanks: a weekend of celebrations, time to cook, excitement for a new job, brazilian blowout hair treatments, latte art, a successful attempt at pot roast (yipppee!)