Monday, June 18, 2012

A quick hello..

I know I'm a little late on my "everyday life" posts ( a little late meaning, 2 weeks now)-- but that's a good sign because that means life is busily and abundantly being lived. Because my stretch of night shifts start tonight, I only have time for a little hello.

So, hello!

Life is sweet and my husband is awesome. My house requires deep cleaning every few days and there seems to be a never-ending pile of laundry to be washed; but God is good and we are rejoicing daily.

 My sister Kat gifted us with this a few weeks ago for letting her stay with us for 7 months. So cute!

Have a joyful day, peeps. :)
Time to fall asleep watching Captain America now.

Give thanks: great deals at Costco, time to sleep, jamba juice, time with family

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here comes trouble..

As of Sunday, our home has become a smoke house.
I, the foolish, frantic and disheveled wife, left the stove on when we went out for lunch after church and rushed home after receiving a call from our complex saying that our fire alarm was going off and the neighbors were inconvenienced.
Thank goodness for inconvenience!
We rushed home and I came home to a kitchen and living room of smoke.

The last two days have been spent trying to clear the air, sanitize the walls and furniture and lysol every surface we can find. It's been an exhausing two days-- both physically and emotionally; but, lesson learned!

I think this is a mistake that you only make once.

After hours of cleaning, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, sanitizing and inhaling the smells of vinegar and baking soda-- I ate some breakfast leftovers for lunch and baked cookies.

Hopefully many wonderful smells will quickly force out all the remaining smoke residue!
Home-made cookies aren't a bad start.

Cheers to better days!

Give Thanks: catching up with Jess, cheap groceries, leftovers, quick naps, time to read, sturdy paper towels, learning how to give and receive forgiveness and grace

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Everyday Life - Week 22 (a little late!)

Happy Wednesday!
Sorry I'm a bit late this week. I worked the weekend, and this post usually comes up a few days late when that happens. Last week was super sweet. Since I worked the entire weekend, I had most of the weekdays off which meant I got to do a lot of cleaning and relaxing. It's already June and we have a little less than 2 months before Eugene starts Pharmacy school so things will start getting busy soon enough. We're trying to enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. :)

Here's what last week looked like:

Most of my late afternoons before work look like this. Stocking up on my Vitamin D before I deprive myself of sunshine during work. :)

After dinner one night, Eugene and I decided to get some boba and we sat and played these fighting games until we ran out of quarters. For the record, I beat him in most of the rounds!

Summer time is soon to come which means lots of berry eating for me! I love berries!

 His & Hers.

  Spent some time with some of my favorite girls over some good food and good coffee. :)

Helpful reminders while crossing the street after a long class I had to attend for work. 

 I saved 0.20 cents per gallon on gas for the last 3 months because of Ralphs. If you spend more than $100 a month on your Ralph's rewards card, you can save 20 cents a gallon at any Shell gas station. :) Another incentive to play at the grocery store!

 Lunch dates at Chiptole.

 I hung out with this little guy alot last week. Here comes trouble. :)

 Causing more trouble at Coffeebean. :)

 Doing vision tests to determine what kind of color blindness Steve & pastor Aaron have with our Optometrist friend, Jenie. So interesting!

 Celebrated Jewel and Lawrence's new marriage at a beautiful wedding last Friday. I love weddings!

Big breakfast with my sister at Panini Cafe on a beautiful Saturday morning. 

 Nonstop weddings and bridal showers this year. Can't wait for all of my friends to get married!! 

Random blurb before I leave-- These past few weeks I've been learning a lot about what it means to find my full joy and satisfaction first and foremost in Christ. I realize that a lot of my doubts, worries, insecurities and discontentment are rooted in the fact that I often rely on temporary means of fulfillment. What great peace there is in finally resting in my hope in Christ and only Him.  I know that I will be in utter restlessness if I try to fill myself with the anything other than Jesus. What joy there is in abiding in Him!

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. "
John 15:1-5

Give thanks - a few days off after a long stretch of crazy nights, time with Eugene, sleeping in, a clean kitchen, an empty sink, pillow talks and iced lattes.